First things first!!! Happy NEW YEAR!!!! We made it to 2023!!!
There's something about the new year that always makes me reflect on the previous year and want to make instant changes. I tell myself "ok, this year I'm going to wake up early and work out, eat more fruits and veggies, eat out less, conquer my fears, be more disciplined, be more focused", and blah blah blah.
My question to you and also to myself, is why does it take a new year, for us to feel like these changes are necessary? Why will we go the entire year doing the same old thing, and then feel like it's an urgent matter to make better life choices when the calendar resets? The reality is, change doesn't happen overnight. Our daily habits are where the change happens, and these don't just change with the snap of a finger.
So, this year instead of making a huge to- do list, of all the things I would do more of in this next season, only to later beat myself up for not following thru, I just sat peacefully, and thanked myself for the person I am in this moment, and patting myself on the back for all the things I did make happen. When you start the year off telling yourself, "ok life is about to get way better", which don't get me wrong, this is an amazing mindset to have, but the problem is we lose that momentum and before long we are back to our selves. Instead of changing habits, we set goals, not realizing the goal is the finish line.
It doesn't take a new year to do better, to become more disciplined, to cut off toxic friends or relationships, to travel, or to make any other decision that will give you a better quality of life. No matter what day the calendar shows, you hold the key to a new you. You have the power to change for the better at any moment you like. Each day is a new chance.
I hope this message finds you well, and encourages you to not be so hard on yourself. It's ok to reset, readjust, and refocus, with the new year energy, but don't let the "New Year, New Me" mantras overwhelm you, or rush you along your journey. Remember healing is a process, and we are all on our own timelines.
Blessings DRP Family.